Antivirus is like PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) for your Computer


Antivirus is like PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) for your Computer

Picture the digital landscape as a space full of invisible threats that want to infect your business systems. Just as medical practitioners would not step into potentially contagious situations without personal protective equipment (PPE), you would not want your business to operate digitally without protection from cyber risks.

Antivirus software is a tool that can act as a computer system’s PPE and a business’s first line of defense against various types of cyber threats. Without antivirus protection, businesses are vulnerable to costly and damaging attacks.

Computer Threats—Explained

Establishing robust data security, with help from a firm providing small business computer support NJ, is necessary for the growth and success of small companies. A single case of data compromise can do a lot of harm to the business. Much like working in the medical environment, being intertwined with technology exposes companies to the following threats:


Malware, also known as malicious software or code, is a program inserted secretly into a system to cause damage. Malware is one of the most common types of cyber threats and can take on several forms, including:

  • Virus – a malicious program that alters the normal behavior of a system
  • Ransomware – restricts data access until a ransom is paid to the attacker
  • Spyware – collects user data without the victim’s knowledge
  • Adware – displays unwanted and, sometimes, malicious advertisements
  • Trojan Horse – disguises itself as a standard program but can carry a dangerous payload
  • Worm – replicates itself to spread through networks

Hackers and Predators

Hacking refers to the act of identifying and exploiting weaknesses to gain unauthorized access to a computer system. Hackers and predators insert malicious code into systems to wreak havoc, such as:

  • Identity Theft – Hackers steal sensitive personal information from the victim for personal gain.
  • Ransomware – An attacker locks the user out of the system until a ransom is paid.
  • Data Theft and Manipulation – Hackers and predators break into networks to destroy, change, or steal data.

Phishing and Spam

Phishing is a form of social engineering where an attacker masquerades as a trustworthy person or organization to steal sensitive information. This illegal scheme is often initiated through fraudulent messages or emails.  They often use web domains that closely match legitimate websites and trick the user into entering their account credentials.  They can also model their email messages to appear legitimate and it can often take a trained eye to spot the forgery.

Spam involves sending unwanted, undesirable, or unsolicited emails and messages. It might also carry malware aimed at obtaining personal identification data.

Corporate Account Takeover (CATO)

Corporate account takeover is a kind of business identity theft where cybercriminals gain access to a corporate financial account. Once they have broken into a company’s bank account, they quickly siphon all available funds or steal customer information for more attacks.

Thieves often use malware sent through emails to initiate CATO attacks. Small businesses with weak computer security are vulnerable to these cyber threats.

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)

DDoS attacks involve overwhelming an online service or website with excessive, fake traffic until the platform becomes unavailable. In most cases, the DDoS attack acts as a diversion to distract a victim while the cybercriminals plant malware or steal information or attack on another front.

Impacts of Cyber Threats on Small Businesses

Research by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) revealed that small businesses are three times likelier to be targeted by cyber threats than larger organizations. The damage left behind by these attacks can be devastating, affecting the business in many ways:

  • Operational Disruption – Cyberattacks can impede a company’s ability to fulfill its obligations and meet customer demands.
  • Revenue Loss – Operational disruptions will cause difficulty in generating sales and covering expenses for the business.
  • Reputational Damage – Customers, suppliers, and partners usually see cyberattacks as a result of the company’s carelessness and may lead to a loss of trust.
  • Significant Expenses – Small businesses are unlikely to recover from a cyberattack without spending extensively on repairs of systems and recovery of data. The company may be forced to pay for ransom demands, fines, investigations, compensation, consultants, lawyers, and additional IT infrastructure.
  • Increased Prices – 60% of breached businesses will raise prices to cover expenses after a cybercrime incident—an action that is unfavorable to customers.

The Role of Antivirus Software

Small businesses cannot risk suffering from the consequences of a cyberattack. If the pandemic has taught the world a valuable lesson, it’s that prevention is always better than getting the cure.

Antivirus software is like the mask and gloves of computers that shield against various digital threats. These tools scan files and programs for signs of malicious code and behaviors, preventing possible attacks before they cause harm.

You can never predict when an attack will happen, so it is wise to invest in antivirus software for consistent protection.

Key Features of Antivirus Software

Modern antivirus software goes beyond dealing with viruses; these programs are equipped with different components designed to detect and block multiple layers of threats:

Malware Detection and Removal

Antivirus software is made to detect and remove any malware from systems and networks, whether new or previously identified. This prevents attacks before they cause damage to the computer systems.

Real-Time Scanning

Antivirus software tirelessly scans and monitors devices for signs of malicious activities and potential attacks.

Spam and Phishing Protection

Antivirus software also scans emails and messaging applications for signs of anomalous activities. Security in business communications increases the company’s protection against spam and phishing messages.

Web Protection

Antivirus tools can block phishing attempts, unsafe links and downloads, and harmful websites. This provides real-time protection against online threats and ensures safer internet use.

Behavioral Analysis

Antivirus protection also includes analyzing anomalies in behavioral patterns to identify hidden threats and malware. Assessing oddities in system activities can prevent spyware and other privacy-related threats.

Password Manager

Many antiviruses have a password manager that stores passwords away from prying eyes. Hiding passcodes prevents shoulder surfing while making system access more convenient.


Antivirus tools track and filter incoming and outgoing data to block suspicious external traffic. Firewalls can block most hacking attempts, viruses, and spyware.

Automatic Updates

Antivirus programs constantly update their databases to aid businesses in staying up to date with the latest malware and how to deal with it.

Best Practices for Antivirus Protection

Antivirus software can protect small business networks and systems from a broad range of digital threats.

However, the online realm is constantly changing, and cybercriminals are always looking for ways to breach safeguards. Just as PPEs are enhanced with hygienic practices, you can maximize the potential of antivirus software through these best practices:

  • Invest in Reliable Programs – Find a trustworthy vendor that can provide powerful antivirus software. You can work with a firm offering a computer help desk NJ to assist you during technical difficulties.
  • Keep Antivirus Updated – Regularly update antivirus tools to obtain new security patches, features, and virus definitions. Enable automatic updates to minimize outdated protection risks.
  • Set Cybersecurity Policies – Implementing cybersecurity policies can prevent irresponsible computer use. Consider placing precautions like rules on correct internet use and incident response plans.
  • Conduct Employee Education – Educate employees about the various cyber threats that target organizations and how to defend themselves against cyberattacks. User-centered cyber-security training adapts to each user’s strengths and weaknesses as they relate to different cyber threats.  This training is ongoing and the frequency and depth of training can be set by the employer.
  • Periodically Assess Security – Schedule periodic evaluations of the company’s online security systems to identify gaps or weaknesses in defenses. By discovering vulnerabilities, businesses can make the necessary adjustments or upgrades.

Safeguard Your Business Data with Cybersecurity Support

Antivirus software and PPE might sound unrelated at first, but the similarities are striking. Both aim to protect their users from possible harm that lurks in the environment they exist in. Not having antivirus in your business would be like staying in the same room with a person with an infectious disease without a mask; it puts you and your business at risk of virus attacks.

Small businesses might face difficulties in implementing effective cybersecurity measures to safeguard their systems. If you need assistance with your computer’s protective gear, reach out to Landau Consulting. We offer the support you need to improve your IT infrastructure for better growth, security, and productivity.  Landau Consulting can be or augment your IT department so you can run your business.

While no security solution can guarantee 100% success in defeating 100% of cyber threats, having high-quality cybersecurity software and training in place greatly improves the chances of a business repelling and surviving a cyber attack.