Computers are a Pain in the…



Computers are a Pain in the…  (but they DON’T have to be)

Did you ever spend a long time working on a spreadsheet or entering data or writing a manual or document only to watch it all disappear before your eyes when your computer froze or crashed?

Or, how about the time when you clicked on a link by accident, and your computer got wrecked from a virus?

And then there was the time when ransomware chewed up all your files and you could not get them back without shelling out loads of bitcoin cash.

Or maybe it was your printer/scanner/fax going on the blink so that you could only fax (who does that anymore, anyway?).

These are everyday pains in the lives of people who use computers.  Maybe you need help with Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Access or Microsoft Word.  Maybe you need new computers and want assistance in selecting and setting them up.  Maybe you have an office move coming on a weekend and you want help ensuring that all your computers and network are moved safely, set up, and your employees are able to start working productively on Monday.  Maybe you need help getting your own dot com email domain working or perhaps a website.  Maybe, maybe, maybe… there are myriad maybes in this modern life that require computers, networks, and technological goodies for almost every business.

Computers enable us to do things now that might not even have been dreamed of before, let alone accomplished.  But as we become more and more dependent on technology to keep the wheels of business turning, it becomes more and more obvious that when technology fails, our businesses are at risk.  At those times, we realize that computers are a pain in the…

Small businesses have many of the same technology needs as their large company counterparts; the difference being mostly one of scale, not of substance.  If you have computers in your business, you need information technology (IT) support.  You still need network security and malware or antivirus protection.  You need backups and someone to make sure that they are running and working; they should be tested occasionally too.

You might need someone to help you select new computers or to set up employees to work remotely.  Or perhaps you are ready to move your business off local servers and into the cloud to allow work from anywhere.

The point is, you need someone you can call when there is a problem or a question.  Some companies have their own in-house IT staff to support the computers and network.  But that is not always an option for small businesses.

Technology continues to change and keeping employees current can be an exercise in futility.  New Jersey small businesses and companies all over the country struggle with this every day.

So, how can a small business have its own computer help desk NJ?  There are many IT support companies to choose from.  How do you select one?

  • Price: Price is a good starting point, but it is not the only point. Some firms charge a monthly fee and others charge by the hour.  Part of your selection criteria should be which firm offers the pricing that fits best with your company.
  • Availability: Can you reach a human when there is a problem?  How responsive will they be to your questions or problems?  Some IT support services only allow access by an online or email ticketing system. Others allow you to call and speak with a technician or text or email or use any other convenient means of communicating.  Find a company that offers small business computer support in NJ (or anywhere since much of what they do they can do remotely) that makes their services easily available.  Maybe you need work done after hours so that your computers are not tied up with tech support during the business day. Maybe you have a computer emergency and need someone NOW.  Find an IT support company that closely matches your needs for time and availability.
  • Technical skills: Do they have the resources to help you manage all your technology needs? If your needs are complex, you might end up spending more to find a computer help desk that can handle all your requirements.  Maybe you will need to have one firm for general computer support and another firm for specialized support.  There are endless options.  The goal will be to balance cost and convenience for your firm.


Landau Consulting is a small business that provides IT consulting that NJ small businesses can easily integrate into their operations.  They are accessible and responsive and can be available during business hours or outside of normal business hours as needs dictate.  They offer a wide set of technology support to enable you to focus on your business instead of your IT challenges.  They can plan and execute to keep your data secure and your computers available.  They can help you plan for the next snowstorm or hurricane that might keep you out of the office.  They can assure that your files are backed up regularly, reliably, and securely.

Landau Consulting wants to be your one-stop-shop for small business computer support in NJ or anywhere in the country.

Contact Landau Consulting ( for a free consultation to learn how to remove the pain that computers create; get the computer support your small business needs.  Computers can be a real pain in the… but they don’t have to be if you have the small business computer support like that offered by Landau Consulting.  If computers are a pain… Landau consulting is the aspirin to get rid of the pain.  Get rid of the computer pain so you can build your business.