Why You Need Rock-Solid Security and Backups


Why You Need Rock-Solid Security and Backups

Visualize this. You manage your business with a digital system with poor security. Out of nowhere, your files are corrupted, networks are damaged, and your system has begun to slow down. The absence of robust security measures has turned your goal of improving process efficiency and effectiveness into a precarious situation, leaving you with compromised data and system integrity.

A functional computer system is integral for streamlined business operations, from high-level decision-making to improving customer service. Investing in a reliable computer system helps achieve efficient operation and reduce costs associated with manual processes.

However, implementing a sophisticated computer system without proper digital security measures may expose you to risks. And operating your business while securing your in-house systems is more challenging than it looks. This makes it more important now than ever to invest in solid security and backup with professional support.

What is a Cybersecurity Threat?

Cybersecurity threats are malicious acts intended to damage data and disrupt the digital stability of an organization. It includes a wide range of pervasive and sophisticated attack vectors, targeting systems with security holes.

Some cybersecurity threats also aim to acquire unauthorized access, steal, or damage an IT asset, computer systems, and networks. These perpetrators can manipulate your software, rendering data inaccessible or causing system paralysis.

The truth is, since you store your client’s data on internet-connected computers, you become susceptible to bad actors. Dealing with online criminals increases your cybersecurity costs and might result in financial damages. According to eSentire, a cybersecurity firm, cyber threats are predicted to grow with a cost of $10.5 trillion in 2025.

Popular Cybersecurity Threats

More businesses are embracing digitalization. As of October 2023, Statista report shows that 65 percent of the global population is connected to the Internet. Amongst the largest online markets worldwide, the United States ranks third with approximately 307 million internet users.

However, as more companies transition to digital platforms, online attacks become more alarming. You must stay vigilant of all the new threats to protect your company and clients.

Here’s a list of popular cybersecurity threats that can affect your organization’s operations:


Malicious software, also known as malware, is designed as harmful software that can invade or corrupt a computer system. It aims to cause havoc and steal sensitive information for monetary gain or sabotage intent. Some common forms of malware include:


This type of malware replicates itself by inserting its code into other programs. When you accidentally use and share infected software, a virus can spread from one computer to another, resulting in data corruption, system instability, or unauthorized access.


Worms are malware that exploit software backdoors and vulnerabilities to acquire illegal access to your operating system. These are self-replicating, but unlike viruses, they do not need to get attached to another system to replicate.


Ransomware is malware that encrypts victims’ data and blocks access to a computer system. If you become a victim, malicious actors will demand a ransom in exchange for your data’s decryption. But even if you pay the ransom, it does not guarantee you can recover your data.  And even if you do recover your data, there is no guarantee that the bad actors have not kept copies of the data for their own purposes.


Phishing uses deceptive emails, messages, or websites to trick individuals into revealing sensitive information. These fraudulent activities usually appear as a trustworthy source, aiming to manipulate users into gaining unauthorized access to financial information.

Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks

A distributed denial of service (DDoS) is a malicious attempt that aims to disrupt the normal traffic of a targeted service or network. One of the signs of a DDoS attack is when a site or service encounters high-volume suspicious traffic coming from one or more IP addresses. When this happens, the site will suddenly become slow or unavailable.

How Can You Protect Your Computer Systems Against Malware and other Cybersecurity Threats?

Online threats are a serious matter. A single click on a malicious URL can jeopardize the entirety of your confidential business data. Hackers will find their way to access your data without you knowing. By the time you catch it, it might already be too late. This highlights the pressing need for robust cybersecurity measures.

Antivirus Software—The First Line of Defense

Malware or any other cyber attack can substantially affect an organization’s operational efficiency. Malicious software can take up a lot of system memory, carry malicious information, disrupt system operation, and prompt crashes to legitimate applications.

Employing a robust antivirus solution is one of the best ways to fortify your business against these risks. Reliable antivirus protection has key responsibilities, such as:

  • scrutinizes newly downloaded programs for malware
  • conducts periodic scans to catch potential threats
  • updates regularly to identify the latest forms of malicious software

While antivirus solutions cannot guarantee complete protection, you must improve your awareness and usage of well-designed protection tools to make your computer system safe and functional. You can get assistance from a computer help desk NJ in building multi-layered security and installing antivirus programs to protect your systems from attack vectors.

Backup Solutions

If the malware gets through the first line of defense and attacks your computer system, it could mean forever losing your files, computer networks, and important business information.

As of 2023, the global average cost per data breach is 4.45 million USD, a 15% increase over three years. Data breaches result in expensive technical investigations, regulatory filings, and a damaged reputation. You must back up your data using excellent and reliable backup services to survive these attacks.

Backups serve as your defense against the risk of data breaches. It lets you quickly recover and restore your information if your system encounters hardware failures, cyberattacks, or accidental deletion. Whether you store your files online or offline, you must implement robust backup strategies to get through severe operational disruptions and data loss.

System Updates

When you update your system, you do not just upgrade your desktop features but also patch vulnerabilities in your software, making it safer and more secure. Hackers often target outdated and slow-performing systems as these are easier to access and control. If you want to address these security holes, you must do regular system updates, focusing on essential aspects such as:

  • Security Enhancements
  • Bug Fixes
  • Advanced Features
  • Compatibility

While system updates lay the foundation for a safe digital environment, advanced security software acts as an additional layer of protection. They work with system updates to create a robust defense against the adversities of cyber threats.

For example, deploying firewalls can keep your system safe from unauthorized access to websites, mail services, and other information sources. Firewalls observe network traffic and implement accessibility rules in coordination with your other security measures.

Why Should You Invest in Advanced and Reliable Cybersecurity Measures?

Let’s say you have an efficient marketing campaign, innovative business tools, and skilled employees. Simply put, everything is working according to your business plans.

However, your system suddenly crashed, resulting in corrupted files, a damaged network, and unauthorized access to your company and clients’ data. This puts your business at risk of significant financial loss, legal liabilities, and damage to the business’s reputation.

As you draw more value from your digital data, you become more vulnerable to larger cybersecurity risks. This is because bad actors also keep up with technological advancements and obtain financial gains.

Investing in advanced cybersecurity methods will help you protect your assets and secure long-term success. If you are a startup company, you can ask for assistance from small business computer support NJ to determine the right security software, technical support, and backup solutions for your workstations.

When you know how to mitigate online risks, you can maintain your customers’ confidence, secure sensitive data, and avoid expensive costs associated with security breaches.

Find the Right IT Services in NJ and Beyond

Partner with the right IT experts to help you secure your business files and client data.

Landau Consulting offers reliable and advanced technical support for small to medium-sized businesses. Our team provides IT solutions to boost your growth, secure your networks, and protect your company data.

You can reach out to us at Landau Consulting. For more informative reads, feel free to check out our blog.

