You Need A Local IT Service Provider for Your Business and Here’s Why Your business cannot afford to have technology disruptions. And the only way you can ensure it stays online is by hiring technical support. But do you need local IT guys or will a remote tech team...
Don McLean, in his epic song “American Pie,” talked about “the day the music died.” Imagine you are hosting a major event. As long as everything is running smoothly and under control, your guests will be happy, engaged, and likely to rave about you. But the moment...
You Should Spend Less Time Managing Your Technology and More Time Running Your Business! When constructing your dream home, you wouldn’t attempt to lay the foundation, frame the walls, or do the electrical yourself. No, the wise choice would be to hire a...
Antivirus is like PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) for your Computer Picture the digital landscape as a space full of invisible threats that want to infect your business systems. Just as medical practitioners would not step into potentially contagious situations...
Why You Need Rock-Solid Security and Backups Visualize this. You manage your business with a digital system with poor security. Out of nowhere, your files are corrupted, networks are damaged, and your system has begun to slow down. The absence of robust security...
Was Your Business Ready for COVID-19? When COVID-19 hit the United States, it affected different businesses in different ways. Some jobs require a physical presence while others can be done anywhere there is a phone and an internet connection. Of course, police,...
Why Small Businesses Should Hire Outside Computer Support Most small businesses outsource activities that are not part of their core competence. For example, most companies don’t do their own legal work, they hire lawyers as needed. Most don’t do their own...
Should My Business go to “The Cloud”? There are thousands of web pages out there that can answer the question, “What is The Cloud?” For our purposes, we can think of The Cloud as a bunch of internet-based computers that allow businesses and individuals to store...