Small Data is BIG!

Small Data is BIG!

Small Data is BIG! There is a lot of talk about “Big Box” retailers and “Big Tech” businesses and “Big Data” mining. While all of these are a big part of our local, national, global, and internet economies, there are far more small businesses in existence than big...
Should my business go to The Cloud?

Should my business go to The Cloud?

Should My Business go to “The Cloud”?   There are thousands of web pages out there that can answer the question, “What is The Cloud?”   For our purposes, we can think of The Cloud as a bunch of internet-based computers that allow businesses and individuals to...
What is Outbound Marketing?

What is Outbound Marketing?

A long time ago, people got their news from this paper-based medium called a “newspaper.”  This paper, full of news of the day’s or week’s events, provided the masses with information about happenings within their community, nation, or world.  Newspapers had two...